Business award

Fertility Clinic Of The Year

The Fertility Clinic of the Year honours a fertility clinic that has significantly contributed to surrogacy or donation for Australians and impacted the community or industry.

The nominee must meet the eligibility criteria to participate in the award. The Australian Surrogacy and Donor Awards aims to celebrate the contributions and achievements of people and businesses fairly and equitably. Each award has its eligibility criteria that must be met.

Eligibility criteria

Any fertility clinic that is registered in Australia.

The nominee must be a single clinic operating in one location. Clinics that operate in multiple locations must be nominated separately.

The nominee must provide surrogacy or donor services in Australia, significantly contribute to surrogacy or egg, sperm, or embryo donation in Australia, and exceed the community and industry expectations.

Nominees will be notified after nominations have closed.

The public will vote for nominees on the Australian Surrogacy and Donor Awards website.

The nominees with the most public votes will be shortlisted as finalists. The number of finalists will depend on the quality and quantity of nominations and public votes.

Judges will decide the winner of the award from the shortlist of finalists.

Not all nominees will become finalists.

What you need to know about the judging criteria…

  1. The judging of finalists will be based on the information provided in the nomination form and details collected from the nominee.
  2. The presenter reserves the right to transfer a nominee into another award category if it believes the nominee would be more appropriately assessed in that category.
  3. Judges will consider each nominee’s contribution and whether the nominee has exceeded the community and industry’s expectations.

Nominations open: Thursday 1 August 2024

Nominations close: Wednesday 28 August 2024

Public votes open: Monday 9 September 2024

Public votes close: Thursday 10 October 2024

Finalist notification: Monday 14 October 2024

Awards event: Saturday 26 October 2024

Countdown to the awards






